Onion and cheddar cheese perk up the rich flavor of summer squash in this comforting casserole. A crispy cornflake-crumb topping adds a little crunch....
A touch of lemon juice gives a fresh taste to this simple side dish from Ruth Andrewson of Leavenworth, Washington. "Slivered almonds look so pretty with...
At a holiday dinner recently, I had the best Brussels sprouts ever! They were seasoned to perfection and lightly sweetened. I've tried to re-create the...
The wonderful homemade goodness of this creamy Velveeta mac and cheese makes it a staple side dish in my mother's kitchen and in mine as well. It has tender...
Instead of the ever-popular garlic mashed potatoes, this unusual recipe calls for prepared horseradish. The zippy side dish would be fantastic with roast...
With a maple syrup and brown sugar glaze, this squash becomes pleasantly sweet. This is comfort food-easy to prepare and a tasty pairing with a pork entree....
With just the right level of garlic and a pleasant mix of cheese and almonds, this quick side will brighten any plate. You could also try it stuffed in...
French-fry fans will fall for this easy oven-baked variety and never miss the fat. Try pairing the crispy potato wedges with everything from hot dogs and...
Lemony Greek potatoes are a traditional side dish for grilled chicken or steak. When they come out of the oven, we top with feta for a little melty goodness....
Potato dumplings (called Kartoffel Kloesse in Germany) are a delightful addition to any German feast. The browned butter sauce is delectable.-Arline Hofland,...
One Thanksgiving, I lost the recipe I planned to use, so I threw this cranberry stuffing together. My cousin Sandy, a die-hard traditional stuffing fan,...
I started roasting veggies and serving them often with dinner. Now my children say, "Is it OK to finish the veggies?" Pinch me. -Joan Duckworth, Lee's...
I had never made or eaten this dish before meeting my husband here in Kentucky. Now I make it at least once a week. I serve it with some homemade sweet...
My grandmother and mother always make onion pie during the holidays, but it's good anytime. This is a savory side dish that you can serve with almost any...
"The herbs in this recipe make ordinary potatoes extraordinary!" Stacey Diehl writes from her Lecanto, Florida home. "They go great with burgers or meat...
"My daughter is a vegetarian, so I'm always looking for meatless dishes she'd enjoy," says Vicki Schrupp. The Little Falls, Minnesota cook beefs up the...
The fresh flavor and crunchy texture of garden vegetables star in this tart colorful coleslaw. Lightly dressed with vinegar and oil, it's a refreshing...
This rich, cheesy side dish is such an excellent meal extender that I always keep it in mind whenever I feel my menu needs a boost. It's a quick and easy...
What a great way to use your garden harvest-and have a tasty relish on hand for hotdogs, hamburgers and other dishes. Why not share a jar with a friend...
My husband and I grill dinner almost every night, and I love grilling veggies for a side dish. I serve this grilled bacon wrapped asparagus recipe with...
Since my husband and I both work full-time. I'm always looking for fast nutritious recipes. The whole family loves this tasty treatment for asparagus....
This excellent and easy recipe can be topped with fresh basil and Parmesan cheese to add some extra zest. Enjoy with some garlic bread for a light meal,...
For a satisfying brunch, try some sausage and potatoes! I never have to worry about leftovers with these tasty potatoes-everyone loves them and the pan...
I plant many vegetables to use in cooking. Tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini are among our favorites. That is why this zucchini stir-fry is so popular at...
I received this fried cabbage and noodles recipe from a friend of Hungarian descent. Some folks turn up their noses when it is presented, but after one...
These spuds are sure to root up fun at your "spooky" affair (and during daily meals!). Judy, one of Crafting Traditions' kitchen experts, came up with...
This old-fashioned potato salad recipe doesn't have many ingredients, so it isn't as colorful as many that you find nowadays. But Mama made it the way...
Everyone who tastes my glazed asparagus takes a second helping, so I usually double the recipe. For another option, try using a root vegetable like turnip...
I make this traditional dish along with other Jewish specialties for an annual Hanukkah/Christmas party with our friends. -Lauren Kargen Williamsville,...
Tender, tiny, tasty red potatoes slathered in a creamy dill sauce make a versatile side for all kinds of meat entrees. This never-fail recipe always brings...
The trick to pickled carrots is cooking them just long enough to retain a harvest-fresh "snap." These tangy treats are terrific for perking up a buffet...
The first time I made this, I couldn't believe how good it was! We served it with grilled burgers and our dinner was complete. I never thought I'd skip...
Christine Mills relies on convenient cans of pineapple chunks, fruit cocktail and mandarin oranges to speed up this marshmallow fluff. The Buffalo, New...
I first made this original recipe about 40 years ago, and it hasn't failed me yet. The thing I like about the dish is that it isn't plain. The flavorings...
This fluffy pistachio salad is a real treat since it's creamy but not overly sweet. It's easy to mix up, and the flavor gets better the longer it stands....
Dorothy Pritchett of Wills Point, Texas shares a great way to present sweet, tender carrots. She glazes the colorful coins with margarine and adds dill...
Cornbread mix and canned corn make this southern corn pudding casserole a snap to prepare. Now this is real comfort food! -P. Lauren Fay-Neri, Syracuse,...
Jalapeno pepper adds an extra kick to this bacon mac and cheese, giving it great grown-up taste. I serve this comforting dish throughout the year.-Shelly...
This fresh-tasting side dish is a fun treatment for corn. It's colorful, comes together quickly on the stovetop and goes well with just about any main...
"Balsamic vinegar adds zing to these colorful sauteed veggies that cook in a flash," says Chris Kallies of Oldsmar, Florida. "Trim the beans and julienne...
I had to figure out how to make Hawaiian Macaroni Salad at home because my husband was getting tired of ordering enough for our whole family from a local...
When I was first married, I wasn't a great cook. Twenty years later, I have many dishes I'm proud of, including this family favorite. Basil, oregano and...